Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Successful People Stay Focused on Their Core Genius

Successful People Stay Focused on Their Core Genius

This is a summarised version of "Stay Focused on Your Core Genius by Jack Canfield"
I have noted down the information that we really need.

"inside of you a core genius... some one thing that you love to do, and do so well, that you hardly feel like doing anything else. It's effortless for you and a whole lot of fun. And if you could make money doing it, you'd make it your lifetime's work.

In most cases, your Core Genius is directly tied to your passions and life-purpose."

What is your Core Genius? See Jack Canfield example.
"For me, my core genius lies in the area of teaching, training, coaching and motivating. Another core genius is writing and compiling books. Over my 35 year career, I have written,
co-authored, compiled and edited more than 150 books, and I love to do it! I do it well, and people report that they get great value from it."

Find the time to focus on your core genius and to delegate most menial of tasks.

So now, firstly is to find what is your Core Genius.
Hmmm... what's my Core Genius?
What is it that you love to do and hardly feel like doing anything else?

For myself (pls note everyone is different), I enjoy completing tasks and knowing that after completing those tasks, I'm on my way to achieving something big or great. I need to constantly focus on that ultimate goal or achievement that I would want to achieve, and that is my motivation to completing those smaller tasks.
I'm not really into training or teaching because, I'm not a natural speaker and usually introvert.
I have the capability to complete task assigned to me on an individual basis at a pretty good pace, depending on the tasks. I enjoy completing tasks as it gives me a sense of achievement.

Although I pretty much enjoy content writing, I haven't found much opportunity that I can earn while writing contents. I can be a super hardworker, only when I can see that real destination and have that belief that the goal or reward is definitely there. 
Simply daydreaming and wishing with no results shown is not for me. 
I want to dream, as well as find out the logical steps to get me there. I'm a pretty down-to-earth person as well as a person who wants to achieve my big dreams.

If you have any ideas or comments or feedback for me on this Core Genius thingy, let me know yeah.
Cheers, Lina

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Here is a little quiz with a big lesson to teach us :

(Author Unknown)

Don't bother getting a pen and paper... just read... if you can't
answer them, just keep going.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer prize.

5. Name the last five Academy Award winners for Best Actor and Actress.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remembers the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They're the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Now here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. Name three teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worth while.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson?

The people who make a difference in your life are rarely the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards.
They're the ones who care.

Disney's "I Can Go The Distance" by Michael Bolton

Disney's "I Can Go The Distance" by Michael Bolton

This is a great video! Amazing moments of Disney classics beautifully put together. It gives meaning to that certain scene in those movies:) Fantastic job!

I have often dreamed, The Hero's Welcome would be waiting for me.
The crowds will cheer, when they see my face,
And a voice keeps saying, "This where I'm meant to be."
I'll be there someday.
I know every mile will be worth my while.
And I won't look back, I can go the distance.
And I'll stay on track, no, I won't accept defeat.
For a hero's strength is measured by his heart
Like a shooting star, I will go the distance
I'll search the world.
I don't care how far!
I'll go the distance, till I find my Hero's Welcome!

Go Heros!

Mulan Song - I'll Make A Man Out Of You (Power Video For Ladies)

Mulan Song - I'll Make A Man Out Of You

Yeah we can Do It!
Go Mulan!
To all ladies,
You Have Discipline & Strength!
Be Strong And Achieve!

Time Is Racing Towards Us.
We Must Be Swift As The Crossing River!
With All The Force Of The Great Typhoon!
With All The Strength Of A Raging Fire!

Disney's "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban

Disney's "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban

This song is dedicated to my parents who raised me up, so I can stand on mountains, to walk on stormy seas. You raised me up to more than I can be.

Thank you Mom and Dad.

Friday, April 2, 2010



Watch an expert on CNN, guarantee they did the 4 things:
1) We need to pay attention and what to focus on e.g. price of oil...
2) If the price of oil hit $120 a barrel, here's what it means to us , to economy , to speculators
3) So how things works, price of oil dictating by speculators etc.
4) How things turn out in future, if it hits $120 and above, the economy will go into recession.

8 Things Millionaire Experts Do (And So Should You) By Brendon Burchard

8 Things Millionaire Experts Do (And So Should You)

Check out video.

Master on 1 thing first, then you can move on the next one.
Do too many things and give up.

1) Think about "What's the Topic You Want To Master This Year?" 
What do you want to teach others?
2) Study your subject, and interview other experts, intensely looking for patterns and best practices. 
How many of you have read 6 books on your topic? No magical 6, it's are you still learning?
Golden Nugget: As you develop your life and expertise, we stop learning and we keep teaching the same thing that we taught.
What's the most valuable thing we have as an expert? It's PERSPECTIVE - what works, what doesn't, what's important, what's not, what other people are doing, what are you doing?

You need INNOVATION, Evolution, and make changes and move forward. Once you lose perspective, you lose business.
Start studying and interview more people, at least 3 people in your area of expertise.

3) Create Arguments on what to pay attention to, what things mean, how things work, and how things turn out.

Watch an expert on CNN, guarantee they did the 4 things:
-We need to pay attention and what to focus on e.g. price of oil...
-If the price of oil hit $120 a barrel, here's what it means to us , to economy , to speculators
-So how things works, price of oil dictating by speculators etc.
-How things turn out in future, if it hits $120 and above, the economy will go into recession.

4) Simplify complex ideas by building framework

5) Write, Speak, record, and package their knowledge - "You're A Creator!"

6) Campaign (not promote) Your Expertise 
People need to have 7 touch points before they will buy.

7) Charge Expert Fees (More than You think you should be getting paid!)
Focus on 3 Keys and Your Business will boom.

8) Focus on Distinction, Excellence and Service
Distinction - Study and interview other people, so you have perspective what your customers are offered. What are you different and distinct from others.

Excellence - It's about setting your standard in your industry. You set a standard that others have not seen that before. Requiring your customers to become excellent.

Service - It's about serving people with value. Help people and if they can say,"I'm worth it." "I do believe. I have potential." Do everything with Service and Excellence.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Determinant of Your Success By Brian Tracy

The Determinant of Your Success
By Brian Tracy

Perhaps the most powerful single factor in your financial success is your beliefs about yourself and money.
We call this the Law of Belief.
It says simply this: Whatever you believe, with feeling, becomes your reality.

What Successful People Believe
Whatever you intensely believe becomes your reality.
That we have a tendency to block out any information coming in to us that is inconsistent with our reality. What we've discovered is that successful people absolutely believe that they have the ability to succeed.
And they will not entertain, think about, or talk about the possibilities that they'll fail.
They do not even consider the possibility of failure.
Positive Thinking Versus Positive Knowing
You always act in a matter consistent with your beliefs.
The most important belief system you can build is a prosperity consciousness where you absolutely believe that you are going achieve your financial goals.
We call this positive knowing versus positive thinking.
Positive thinking can sometimes be wishing or hoping.
But positive knowing is when you absolutely know that no matter what, you will be successful.

The Foundation of Willpower
Another principle related to your beliefs is willpower.
We know that willpower is essential to any success. Willpower is based on confidence.
It's based on conviction. It's based on faith. It's based on your belief in your ability to triumph over all obstacles. And you can develop willpower by persistence, by working on your goals, by reading the biographies of successful people, by listening to audio programs, by reading books about people who've achieved success.
The more information you take into your mind consistent with success, the more likely it is that you will develop the willpower to push you through the obstacles and difficulties you will experience.

Beat the Odds on Success
Remember that success is rare. Only one person in one hundred becomes wealthy in the course of a lifetime. Only five percent achieve financial independence.
That means that the odds against you are 19-to-1.
The only way that you're going to achieve your financial goals is if you get really serious.
To succeed, you must get serious. You must get busy. You must get active. You must
get going. Remember, everything counts.

Resolve to Achieve Greatly
Self-mastery, self-control, self-discipline are essential for anyone who wants to achieve greatly.
And control over your thoughts is the hardest exercise in self-mastery that you will ever engage in.
Exercise: See if you can talk and think about only what you desire and not talk or think about anything that you don't want for 24 hours.
Then you'll see what you're really made of. It's a hard thing to do but with practice, you can reach the point where you are thinking about your goals and desires most of the time. Then, your whole life will change for the better.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to build a belief system
consistent with the financial success you desire:

First, continually repeat to yourself the words, pictures and thoughts consistent with your dreams and goals. Whatever you repeat often enough, over and over, becomes a new belief.

Second, set a goal for yourself to think and talk only about the things that you want for the next 24 hours.
This will be one of the hardest things you ever do.
But if you can keep your mind on what you want and off of what you don't want for 24 hours, you can begin to change your entire future.

5 Secret Strategies of a Millionaire Expert By Brendon Burchard - Video #1

Do you want to build a highly-lucrative career teaching YOUR life’s story and how-to strategies for success in any field through writing, speaking, seminars, coaching and online programs?

YOU can become the next authority in your field or on ANY TOPIC you want to teach. All you have to do is learn to position, promote and get paid like an expert. I’ll show you how in this FREE video series.

Check out how you can create a how-to ebook and get it downloaded 117,0000 times to make you an instant expert.

5 Golden Tickets to Expert Paydays
1) Authors - Writing ebooks, books
2) Speakers - speaking and teaching others
3) Seminar Leaders - Seminars/Workshop
4) Coaches - Coaching Program
5) Online - Succeed by marketing you info online

Did you live your life today?
Did you help or inspire people?

Busting Expert Myths (Can you be a guru?)
1) Your Wealth will come from your Struggle. Your Struggle is your best credibility.
2) Positioning = Success
3) Marketing = Power
4) Results = Capability
5) Campaigns Make You Rich
6) In new economy, you need a solution NOT sell only a Brand.

Expert Money Funnel
Newsletter, Ebook, Report, Book, Audio/Video,
membership, speeches, Training, Consulting,
Seminar, Event, Conf, Retreat,