Monday, June 8, 2009

11 May 2009: Review of Mastery Asia 3-Hour Seminar by Mr K.C. See

11 May 2009: Mastery Asia Seminar by Mr K.C. See
Yup yup. I attended MasteryAsia Seminar by Mr K.C. See.
It was held at Marriott Hotel 7-10pm.

I'm here to share with you what I learn throughout such seminars so even those who didn't have the opportunity to attend can learn some of the important points I sieved out from this seminar.

About K.C., he told his story about himself being a very hardworking person, work so hard, even started many businesses but working himself like crazy. Because he had this belief - "I must work hard then I can become successful." This belief was imparted to him by his parents, so he worked very very hard, even ran 9 different businesses in the past, then slowly sold them off or gave them up. Now he's focused himself on teaching and training-his passion, and letting others handle other aspects in his business.

Well KC is an entertaining speaker, but we can see that age is catching up on him. He's a happy man, inspired from Robert Kiyosaki's teaching. If you didn't know, Robert is the author of the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad.

I can say that the seminar was pretty long for some. It's a 3-hour intensive seminar reduced to a simple blog for all to understand and apply. I felt that he wants to actually impart to you the knowledge of achieving REAL WEALTH. Do you think you are wealthy even if you may have a Cool BMW or a fantastic house in Martin Place?

Just think about this, and ask yourself this question.
Q: How many days can you live if you stopped working tomorrow?

On average, most Singaporeans can live for 6 to 8 months, living off their savings. Some can't barely live after the next month. If not the banks will be chasing them like loansharks already.

So the Wealthier you are, means the longer you can live after you stopped working.

REAL WEALTH is the number of days you can survive forward if you stopped working tomorrow.

Ultimate Financial Strategy
K.C. says he can teach you how to reach total wealth in the fastest shortest time in just 10MINS.
He says, alot of people know HOW to do it, but they don't do it.

In 10mins,
To reach Financial Freedom, it will take some time, effort and resource to build YOUR OWN MONEY-MAKING MACHINE!

Question to Ponder: Why is it that the average Singaporean not making any money-making machine?

KC says, there are 2 kinds of people. One makes money-making machines. The other is a money-making machine for others.

So the answer to the above question is: It's not in our education to create money-making machines. It's not in our DNA. Education taught us to get a job.

KC is a believer in creating Multiple Sources of Income (MSI), to build many Money-Making machines. He believes that in order to live a happy and fulfiling life, your MSI need to come from 2 sources -
1) Passive Income (Monthly income that comes to you without needing you to work, such as royalty, dividends etc)
2) Passion Income (Doing what you love doing - KC loves speaking and imparting his knowledge)

It's important to have money-making machines. But don't jump into it. I know you must be thinking. So do I go out to find another JOB? Or do some direct sales or MLM?

NO! But you may do it if you want. But it will make you more tired when you already are half-dead after work.

Money Beliefs - will determine your actions and decisions.

Your Money Beliefs --> affect your Actions --> affect your Results --> affect your Money Beliefs

If you believe you will work in an MNC one day, and your goal is to become the President/VP of the company, you will naturally take steps to work towards that direction. Eventually, you will take action and climb up the corporate ladder to reach that goal.

If you believe that you want to become a successful entrepreneur. You will naturally find ways and means to achieve that.

Point to NOTE: You may read many "Rich" books, or guides on how to achieve success in a certain area. You may read and understand the notes, but if your beliefs are in conflict with it or you don't feel comfortable or enjoy it, you won't do it. So at the end of the day, it is your beliefs that is the result of your success today.

KC says:
-Changing your beliefs is changing your paradigm.
-Your entire education teach you to make money using time.
-Time is limited, thus income is limited if you get paid by the hour.
-So what's the solution? It's leveraging your time to create wealth.

If you want to run a business, you have to find people who have what you don't have and work with them.

-What's your mindset?
-How do you react when certain situations happen to you?
-Do you look at situations differently?

When KC meets people who have lost their job, what do you think he will say or react?
KC will always congratuate them! Because you most people in Singapore goes to work but don't enjoy it.

"The Crisis is really inside your Head." - Robert Kiyosaki

Life is never a straight road. There will always be obstacles around you, but it is how you deal with it to reach your objective.
"If you focus on obstacles, your objective will disappear. If you focus on the objective, your obstacles will disappear."
Opportunities is seen with the open mind.

Over the years, KC has built a Mentorship Community, which focuses on giving in order to receive. He has trained 7,200 people in 22 countries with offices in 6 different countries.

KC gives 4 Tips to achieve Wealth
4 Decisions to carry out 4 Actions

1) Decide to create Multiple Sources of Income (MSI) - but do it with proper guidance

2) Decide to make a change =>Re-educate yourself. Uneducated change is dangerous!

Definition of insanity - "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!"

3) Decide to work smart - Leverage (about giving in order to receive)
It's not about the idea. It's about the implementation.

Leverage - R.I.C.E
Leverage on ...
Ideas - such as franchise opportunity
Contacts - leverage on other people's contacts
Expertise - you need not be an expert.

What do you need?
If you are going into business, you need to chose a person different from you.
So before you make money, you need to make friends!

4) Decide to Re-discover your True Passion
Everyone has a Dream, but you may have lost it. Everyone needs to find your true passion.

Ok. Finally my hands will have a chance to have a break. It's nearing the end of the seminar.
So he's selling his Money Mastery Programme. It will be a 2-year long mentorship programme.

You will have to attend a 3-day BootCamp. Then afterwards you will be assigned a mentor to help you. KC claims that they are the only Mentorship Programme that are Result-based, meaning that they will have a coach and they will help you to make at least $30k - $300k between 6-12 months in net income.

But there's a small twist - If you are able to earn an extra net income of at least $30k within the first 12months, then you are oblige to pay them $10k. So what if you earn $29,500?
KC also smart. He will give you $500, then he can take $10k back!

Smart Guy man!

So he says the 3Day BOOT CAMP is free! But you only have to pay for material fee.
Only $128!

Forgot to say, it's $128 x 24months! WHAT!!

Ok. So doing my Maths, the material fees actually cost a whopping $3072!!! Ya he says pay for hotel, food etc. Plus he didn't mention - his coaching fees I guess.

I say: "Where got Free BootCamp in Singapore? These smart people earn your money faster than you can react."
They even have live testimonials man! Not bad!

Well at the end of the day. I still recommend people to attend his free seminar. It very good. You also get a free Audio CD, which is similar to his seminar. He basically wants you to do free marketing for him - Leveraging on our contacts. Smart sia!

Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lina, this is Jess from MasteryAsia, Corporate Communication. We would like to invite you to join our 3 days boot camp from 8-10 April as media partner, please contact me at
