Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Bottom Line Workshop - What is your Bottom Line?

I attended The Bottom Line Workshop previously in March. Yup the name says it all. It is to find out your bottom line. So at the end of the day, what do you want to achieve or get?

It is also about learning how to treat your life as a business.
I know some of you may be feeling lost at this point. But yes, we need to run it successfully, otherwise it will also close down or be doomed for failure or stress, just like some businesses.

I have attended many other kinds of seminars. But this one that I've attended is one that has allowed me to find out what I truly want in life and to find out what were my passion and purpose in life. It's unlike those T. Harv Eker, Blaire Singer kind of "rar rar" seminars. It touches into your heart and listening to your true inner self.

Among so many other workshops or seminars that I attended, this is one that impacts me most, I think it's because it's more personal and you get in touch with your true self.

There's a mini-workshop coming up on 20Jun. Below are the details to this mini-workshop.

The Bottom Line Mini Workshop
Wealth Dynamics Master Practitioner, Frances Cheung is coming to Singapore to conduct a mini-workshop called The Bottom Line Mini Workshop and I would like to invite you, as a Guest. In other words, you don't have to pay the $99 program fees. As I know the organiser, I do have some tickets to give away. Those who value personal development, would value such a gift.

This is a 2.5-hour intensive training where past participants received a lot of values. I know your time is precious so I want to make sure that you are the right person for this workshop to benefit you and make a difference to your business and your life.

So let me ask you this:

Do you treat your life as a business?

You might go "Er, huh, no, why?"

This concept may be a little alien to you, but your life is no one else's business but your own, isn't it? This is true whether you are an employee or an employer.

Your life is your business, whether you have managed it consciously with the professionalism of a CEO or not.

If you want your life to be productive and profitable, you'd better manage it with nothing less than what a professional CEO would do.

That includes:
1. Manage your productivity - Where are you spending and investing your time? Who are you spending time with? Is there a return?

2. What are your goals and targets?

3. Where are you today and what should you do next?

4. Who is playing on your team? Are they the right people?

5. What are the tools and strategies for you to most effectively rock your bottom line?

Do you know when is the last time you do a strategic review and planning for your life?

All above topics (plus exercises) will be discussed by Wealth Dynamics Master Practitioner, Frances Cheung, a self-made multi-millionaire who has found the science of creating LUCK and now lives her passion of teaching this science to others.

The Bottom Line Mini-Workshop is the time for you to stop your busy-ness and contemplate on a few things - very important things in your life.

After 2.5 hours, you will get

* A good picture of your current situation - in the past, 95% of participants were shocked
* 9 levels of wealth spectrum - and where are you today
* 8 different types of people - who you are and what is the easiest way for you to succeed
* A glimpse of what is going on in today's economy, and how you can benefit
* and a lot more...

As Frances always says "All great companies conduct strategic planning regularly, that is why they are great."

So if you want to manage your life as a great business, shouldn't you do it too?"

If you resonate, then you are the right person.

I will like to invite you as a guest to "The Bottom Line Mini Workshop".
Date: 31st Aug (Mon)
Time: 7.30pm to 10pm. Registration starts at 7pm.
Singapore Management University (SMU) School of Economics & Social Science, Level5, Classroom 5.5 , 90 Stamford Road Singapore 178903

The ticket price to this workshop is $99.
For the first 5 people to register, it will be ONLY $20.
The Next 5 people to register it will be $25.
The rest will be at $30.

Do note that there are paying participants who have paid $99 for the 2.5-hour workshop.

*Just reply to with your full name, mobile number and email, I will register for you.*

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