Monday, May 3, 2010

The First Principle You Must Understand To Build Riches By Chris Howard

Hi Everyone,
I got it from the Chris Howard website, Wealth Propulsion - Propel Your Wealth To The Next Level


The First Principle You Must Understand To Build Riches
The first step is to recognise the social hypnosis you’ve been living in. Before you can truly be wealthy and happy, you must first open your mind to the fact there is so much more richness and possibility available to you. I am not asking you to believe it yet. Just open the door to the possibility that there is something more.
You see, 98% of the people in the world aren’t really going for it in life, and they’re not living rich and fulfilling lives. Why? Because the negative reporting in the media—in their social circles, in newspapers and on TV—is influencing and controlling their psychology!

Most people who struggle in life have no clue what the real problem is and what’s holding them back.
Even fewer people realise the harmful effect paying attention to—and believing—this negative reporting is having on their mindset.
And so, without their even realising it, their minds are literally being controlled in order to limit their thinking about what is possible.
But merely becoming aware of this process changes things. You start to wake up to a brand new reality where all the resources you need to create every dream you’ve ever wanted appear before you.
So for now all I ask is that you open your mind. You don’t have to believe in what I am saying to you. In fact I encourage you to hold on your healthy scepticism. In a moment you are going to discover that what I am saying really is the truth. 

Why You Can Be Wealthy
It’s a funny thing: once you tap into your natural power, your life is infused in that moment with emotional texture that makes the moment richer. Living in this space gives you a meaning-filled, rich, and passionate life, enabling you to become the best.

It’s in this place where you have the opportunity to create enormous wealth, and your life is richer because there’s a greater meaning to the experience.
Here’s the good news: living in this space is something you can wake up to instantly. And as you live in that space, in that zone, you start to conquer your financial milestones with absolute ease. You hit one after another, after another, after another. Here is the best part: you feel and become rich today. And so, you automatically become consumed in an upward-spiralling process that keeps getting stronger and stronger. This is the single greatest secret of the super rich and super happy. And as greater meaning is added to each experience, your life is propelled forward, and you continue to prosper at greater heights. And unlike the great masses, you know anything is truly possible for you. You are de-hypnotized, and your eyes will be open to all the opportunity and riches waiting for you.

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