Habit of Going the Extra Mile - Napolean Hill "Think and Grow Rich"
- it means the rendering more & better service than one is expected of you & doing it in a positive mental attitude.
QQMA Formula:
Quality of service u render + Quantity of service + Mental Attitude of which u render your service = determines the special or chosen calling for your services.
Do it deliberately with the purpose of forethought.
Make yourself indispensable.
Excel in your line of work.
Law of Contrast
- Continuously seek new & better ways of rendering new service and will inspire you to move on your own initiative instead of being asked what to do. --> It's the first step in leadership in all callings.
Habit of the extra mile, helps you go ahead without fear confusion from others.
Definiteness of Purpose
Provides you with the one and only excuse for asking for a promotion
Maintain a Mastermind Alliance with others.
Farmer Story
Farmer going the extra mile. Once he do the job - plough the ground and put the seeds, nature will do the next step - grow the plants.
It's about you getting the first step/ initiative done first.
3 Steps to get you Going:
1st, start to render service to which you will not ask for compensation.
2nd, render it in a pleasing mental attitude.
3rd, follow and practise in 7 days in succession.
You can check out the video which I have transcribed some parts of it. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgGNTLAzulE&feature=share