Saturday, June 2, 2012

Habit of Going the Extra Mile - Napolean Hill "Think and Grow Rich"

Habit of Going the Extra Mile - Napolean Hill "Think and Grow Rich"

- it means the rendering more & better service than one is expected of you & doing it in a positive mental attitude.

QQMA Formula: 
Quality of service u render + Quantity of service + Mental Attitude of which u render your service = determines the special or chosen calling for your services.

Do it deliberately with the purpose of forethought. 
Make yourself indispensable.
Excel in your line of work.

Law of Contrast
- Continuously seek new & better ways of rendering new service and will inspire you to move on your own initiative instead of being asked what to do. --> It's the first step in leadership in all callings.

Habit of the extra mile, helps you go ahead without fear confusion from others.  

Definiteness of Purpose
Provides you with the one and only excuse for asking for a promotion
Maintain a Mastermind Alliance with others.

Farmer Story
Farmer going the extra mile. Once he do the job - plough the ground and put the seeds, nature will do the next step - grow the plants. 
It's about you getting the first step/ initiative done first.

3 Steps to get you Going:
1st, start to render service to which you will not ask for compensation.
2nd, render it in a pleasing mental attitude.
3rd, follow and practise in 7 days in succession.

You can check out the video which I have transcribed some parts of it. Video: 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Know the Difference between Innovation & Creativity?

After attending Dr Geoff Nicholson Talk about innovation at Nanyang Polytechnic, I will just list down some pointers which I find quite interesting or useful.

  1. Requirements for Innovation
    • Commitment
    • Courage 
    • Confidence
  2. "Innovation and Imagination give an economy or company that extra edge. Today wealth is generated by new ideas." - Goh Chok Tong, Former Prime Minister, Singapore
  3. "Research is the transformation of money into knowledge."
  4. "Innovation is the transformation of knowledge into money."
  5. Innovation is the practival application and use of creativity.
  6. "Creativity is THINKING UP new things." "Innovation is DOING new things." - Geoff Nicholson
  7. To Activate Innovation, You Ned To...
    • …know where you want to go - VISION
    • …know where rest of the world is going - FORESIGHT
    • …have ambition - STRETCH GOALS
    • …have freedom to achieve your goals - EMPOWERMENT
    • draw from and work with others - COMMUNICATION,   NETWORKING
    • …be rewarded for your efforts - there is nothing more   rewarding than RECOGNITION from your peers.
  8. "The ordinary manager has a craving for order. The leader understands that innovation is almost always an untidy process." "The ordinary manager wants proof for an idea before taking action. The leader understands the value and power of faith." - L.W. Lehr, former CEO - 1980
  9. Innovators are Problem Solvers.
  10. 6 Phases of a Project
    • Enthusiasm
    • Disillusionment
    • Panic
    • Search for the guilty
    • Punishment of the innocent
    • Praise and honor for the non-participant.
  11. Final Message: No matter where you are...
    • Innovate for the customer
    • Network across the globe
    • Have Courage!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich- Part 12-Accurate Thinking

Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich- Part 12-

Accurate Thinking

Important Fact that will aid you in your major purpose in life. 
List down the facts you deal with everyday - Important & Unimportant facts.

Recognise unsound opinions from accurate thinking.
The more successful the person is, the more they won't mention unsound opinions.
They will identify the source of which they were to speak.

Ask a simple forward question,"How do you know?"
Do this no matter what his status or who you are speaking.
Do not allow anyone to do the thinking for you or control the thinking for you.

Think by the rules to save you from your mistakes. 

7 Rules to follow which if you memorise & follow as a daily habit, will bring you top rating as an Accurate Thinker.
  • Rule #1: Never accept the opinions of other people as being facts until you have identified the source of those opinions and satisfy the source of accuracy.
  • Rule #2: Rmb that free advice will bear the closest of examination before it is being acted upon being deemed safe. And generally speaking, this sort of advice is worth exactly what it cost.
  • Rule #3: Alert yourself immediately when you hear anyone speaking to others in a discourteous or slanderous spirit. Because this should very fact should put you on notice that what you are hearing is bias to the very least about it. 
  • Rule #4: In asking others for information, do not disclose to them what you think the information to be, because most people have the bad habit of trying to please under such circumstances. Well measured and tactful questions can be of great benefit to you in thinking accurately.
  • Rule #5: Remember that anything which exists anywhere throughout the universe is capable of proof, and where no such proof is available, it is safer to assume that no such thing exist. 
  • Rule #6: One of the great unexplanable miracles consist of the fact that most truth and falsehood, no matter by what means they may be expressed carry with them a silent invisible means of identifying themselves as such. Therefore remember this truth and begin developing the necessary intuitive faculty to enable you to sense what is false and what is truth. 
  • Rule #7: Follow the habit of asking, "How do you know?" when anyone makes a statement that you cannot identify as true. 

Follow these habits faithfully and you will see many persons squirm and turn red in the face when you insist upon a direct reply. The most accurate thinkers are the scientists. They investigate with open minds and never allow their wishes to become the father of facts, but deal with each fact as it is, not as they would like it to be. Now one final word of warning I feel I should leave with you, "Study yourself carefully and you may discover that your own emotions are your greatest handicap in the business of accurate thinking. It is easy for you to believe at which you wish to believe, and unfortunately that is precisely what most people do. This is a method by which many people condemn themselves to eternal failure and defeat, and it is a method which opens wide that sealed envelope which contains the list of penalties for which they must pay for neglecting to take position of their minds and use them for constructive ends, beneficial to themselves.

The above text is extracted from the video to the best of my ability.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Factor that Explains Most About Great Performance

The factor that seems to explain most about great performance is called Deliberate Practice. Deliberate practice is hard. The chief constraint is mental, regardless of the field, even in sports where we might think the physical demands are the hardest. To excel, to do one's best, to work hard and to spend one's time constructively, we're emphasised over and over again. The great performers were just like any other persons who people did not see that they will achieve anything that great.

There is an example of a person. This person had simply one thing in his mind. His goal was to make his million. To achieve great performance, things can't be too easy, if not it will become boring. But if things are too hard, there will be no motivation. Great performers want to continually improve themselves. Once they have reached a certain level, they strive to improve bit by bit. They need to have the passion in what they do.

This is an excerpt obtained from a book.