Hi Everyone,
This is a good video to give you a lot of morale boost and make you a stronger person internally, and understanding that those things that came really worthwhile are free.
When you walk down the street and ask, "Why Do You Work?"
Most people simply simply act like everyone else without a goal, just like 95% of the people.
Who Succeeds? Only people who are progressively realising a worthy ideal succeeds.
Success is anyone who is doing deliberately a pre-determined job, because that is what he decided to do delibrately. Only 1 out of 20 does it.
Instead of competing, all we have to do is Create.
There is A Key To Success & A Key To Failure.
"We become what we think about."
The man who has no goal, doesn't know where he is going, where his life is filled with frustration and confusion. He will be frustrated and confused. If he thinks about nothing, he becomes nothing.
Our mind comes with the standard equipment at birth. It's free and things given to us for free, we place little value upon it. Things we pay for, we value.
The paradox is, the exactly reverse is true. Everything that came really worthwhile is free, our minds, our bodies, our hopes, our dreams, our ambitions, our intelligence, our love for our family & children & friends. All these priceless possesions are free. But the things that cost us money are actually very cheap and can be replaced at anytime. A man who had all his wealth wiped out, can rebuild it again. A house that has been burnt down, can be rebuilt again.
What is it you want?
"Ask and it shall be given to you, knock and it shall be opened, seek and you shall find."
For everyone that asks, receive it. For every seeker find it.
It's so simple for the adult to understand that all he needs is Purpose & Faith.
Above all, don't worry, worry brings fear, fear crippling.
All you need to know is to hold your goal before you. Everything will take care of itself. Remember to also keep calm & cheerful. Don't let petty things annoy you and get you off course.
Prosperity is upon the Law of Mutual Exchange. Any person who contributes to prosperity, must prosper himself.
For every action, there is an equal amount of reaction. If he wants more, he must be of more service to whom he receives his return. This is the price you must pay to get what you want.
As you believe, so shall it be done unto you.
Come on a journey with me to achieve a positive mindset and going on a path to financial freedom! Share with me your experiences too! In this blog, I will go on to show you tips and simple steps to help you feel good and positive about yourself and take charge of your life, as well as show you how one can improve your finances and ways to get out of the rat race. I hope to help more people see life with more optimism, and be inspired to work towards becoming financially free and happy!